Home page site Dall'Agnol family

Dall'Agnol family Association and other ones emigrates from Fastro

The association collect and promote contacts and search between family's members to keep history, culture and traditions.

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What is?

The Association has been founded nata per perseguire le seguenti finalità:

For further details see pages below:


Life of association is made through differents initiatives:


31/10/2009: Report of the first meeting of Dall'Agnol - Pianelo.

09/06/2007: Live for the inemigrants in Arsiè, executed by Banda Cittadina Comunale .

31/07/2005: First meeting to prepare 8th family meeting in Putinga. italian language [italian language]

10/12/2004: The article that announces the issue of the book "Epopéia de emigrantes".

13-14/11/2004: 7th meeting of Dall'Agnol's families in Caxias do Sul, Brazil, 13 and 14 November 2004. italian language [italian language]

28/12/2003: A ceremony has been held to the memory of Don Munari in Bento Gonçalves, RS, Brasil.

Birth of association

Last modified: 04/06/2011