Home page site Dall'Agnol family

Dall'Agnol family Association and other ones emigrates from Fastro

The association collect and promote contacts and search between family's members to keep history, culture and traditions.

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Become a member

The association has two kinds of membership.

The "soci nati", are all the persons with ancestors of the Dall'Agnol family or other emigrated families from Arsiè. If this is your case and you want to become a full member just write a mail to secretaria@dallagnol.org with the following information: name, address, e-mail, names of the parents and grand-parents, etc.)

The "soci contribuenti" are the person's, which pay an annual fee of 25 Euro (or 25 US-Dollar). The money serves to cover the costs of our homepage, the research concerning our family and genealogy.

Le somme raccolte con questa quota di scrizione sono usate per le spese per il sito dell' associazione e per la ricerca sulle origini e sulla genealogia.

The full paying members have the right to get an e-mail address: yourName@dallagnol.org. Also, they have free access to all the information of our association. The also have free entry to all the events and they receive the bulletin and the information concerning our association.

Mailing list

Last modified: 16/05/2004