Home page site Dall'Agnol family

Dall'Agnol family Association and other ones emigrates from Fastro

The association collect and promote contacts and search between family's members to keep history, culture and traditions.

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The researches

Brandalise, Dall'Agnol and Dalle Mulle families are native of Fastro, a small village in the council of Arsié, Italy.
For other families, such as Grando, Menin and Battistel, the nativity is uncertain but their presence has been quite important in Fastro.

Fastro and the lands around Feltre in general, have been places where emigrants have emigrated from. The reasons of emigration are always in connection to the few resources available and the lack of jobs.

The destinations of emigrants have changed time to time. The Countries where we can find most descendents of those emigrants are Brazil and France, but we can find some of them in other Countries like Luxemburg, Belgium, Argentina, New Zealand, Australia...

The data of this file are the result of a long research in the available files, or gathered during the family meetings.

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Research ancestors.

Last modified: 03/06/2006