The association collect and promote contacts and search between family's members to keep history, culture and traditions.
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The Association has been founded nata per perseguire le seguenti finalità:
For further details see pages below:
Life of association is made through differents initiatives:
31/10/2009: Report of the first meeting of Dall'Agnol - Pianelo.
09/06/2007: Live for the inemigrants in Arsiè, executed by Banda Cittadina Comunale .
First meeting to prepare 8th family meeting in Putinga.
[italian language]
10/12/2004: The article that announces the issue of the book "Epopéia de emigrantes".
7th meeting of Dall'Agnol's families in Caxias do Sul, Brazil, 13 and 14 November 2004.
[italian language]
28/12/2003: A ceremony has been held to the memory of Don Munari in Bento Gonçalves, RS, Brasil.
Last modified: 04/06/2011