Home page site Dall'Agnol family

Dall'Agnol family Association and other ones emigrates from Fastro

The association collect and promote contacts and search between family's members to keep history, culture and traditions.

Home » Association » Birth

History of birth

Birth and objectives

The Association has been founded during the second meeting of tile Dall'Agnol family of the meeting Dall'Agnol, in Nuova Prata, RS (Brazil), the 03/12/1995.

Our purposes

Profile of the association

Members: Everyone born in Arsiè and emigrated or descendent from someone from that country of the province of Belluno is member of association.

Council in Brazil: Every city with a resident from the Dall'Agnol family will be able to have one conseilor in the Consular Council. This Council gathers in ordinary way once every two years, in occasion of the meeting, or, in extraordinary way, when necessary. The council is presided from the President of the Association. The President is the Councilman of the place of the next meeting. Currently and until the 12/11/2002, the president is Mr. Olvide From the Agnol, Councilman of the city of Paso Fundo, RS (Brazil).

The Committee of Fastro in Italy

Secretarie : two secretariats, one in Brazil exist, the other in Italy.

Information for contacts:

Egidio Dall'Agnol
Rua Domingos Martins, 111, s/305
Canoas, RS, Brasile
indirizzo e-mail: secretaria@dallagnol.org

Structure of association

Last modified: 18/01/2004